HPC Day 2

  1. Review the program for today: you have 1h15m of videos to watch.
  2. Answer any questions.

By the end of the day you should be familiar with:

  • how jobs are scheduled in Slurm
  • submitting serial, shared-memory, distributed-memory and hybrid jobs
  • submitting array jobs
  • running interactive jobs, and switching between interactive and batch jobs for the same task
  • how to estimate memory requirements of a completed Slurm job

Some of the hands-on exercises we will do in the afternoon Zoom session:

  • Using a serial job, time optimized (-O2) vs. unoptimized C code.
  • Using a serial job, time a C code vs. a Python code.
  • Submit an array job for different number of terms in the summation of \pi.
  • Try scaling an MPI job with 1 -> 2 -> 4 -> 8 cores and measuring the speedup.
  • Test a code inside an interactive job.