Python in Jupyter notebooks

Instructor: Ian Allison (PIMS)

This 1-day course will introduce researchers to Jupyter notebooks as a tool for conducting research and for communicating their work.

The Jupyter ecosystem is a rich environment for interactive computing which provides intuitive and powerful tools for data-analysis, computation and collaboration. We will explore the features of the Jupyter notebook and the Python programming language. Specifically, we will look at:

  • notebook cells: markdown, code, output
  • Python syntax: structures, loops, control flow, logic

We will then use some popular Python packages (Pandas, Numpy, Scipy, Sympy, etc) to work through a series of examples and exercises to see how they can be used to work with external data sources, produce insights and visualizations and help create compelling showcases of your work.

Target audience: general

Level: beginner

Prerequisites: You will need a GitHub account for this course. Also, please take a look at these two notebooks before the course.

You will be using a machine called with your GitHub account – you can access it here in your web browser. Once you log in, the system will clone the course materials for you.


9am-noon Pacific Live session: 30-40 min presentation blocks interleaved with hands-on exercises.