Sci-vis Day 1

  1. instructor / helpers / course introduction
  2. distribute usernames and passwords (optional, only for quick Plotly practice on Cassiopeia)
  3. slides for this course
  4. let’s try to start ParaView on your computer
  5. review the program for today
  6. share the afternoon exercises: pay attention to the slides that say “Exercise” in the title

You have 1h55m of videos to watch today!

Plotly is a side topic to show some simple interactive plotting where ParaView is an overkill. Please do not spend more than 30 mins on it, or you will have no time left for 3D visualization! On the other hand, if all you are interested is 1D/2D plotting then feel free to spend more time on Plotly.

Today for practice you can use Plotly on:

  1. your machine – install it locally if you know how
  2. on Cassiopeia training cluster (described in the video)
  3. on from yesterday’s Jupyter course; Plotly library is installed there!

By the end of the day you should be comfortable with:

  • running ParaView and displaying Source objects
  • importing datasets from files into ParaView
  • applying filters to process data

If you have yor own spatially-defined dataset, try loading it into ParaView and sharing your experience (or visualizations!) in the afternoon session.