MATLAB sessions

This is a 3-day workshop.

Target audience: general

Level: beginner

Software: For Parallel MATLAB, all attendees will need a remote secure shell (SSH) client installed on their computer in order to participate in the course exercises. On Windows we recommend the free Home Edition of MobaXterm. On Mac and Linux computers SSH is usually pre-installed (try typing ssh in a terminal to make sure it is there).

Also, please ensure you have the following:

The Parallel MATLAB session will also introduce submitting MATLAB parallel jobs on Cedar Monday afternoon. It would be helpful to have a Compute Canada account, but we will also be providing guest accounts.

Monday (July-06)
“Parallel MATLAB” with Raymond Norris

Please download the PDF slides:

Today we will be submitting jobs to the reservation on Cedar:

cd ~/scratch
salloc --account=def-training-wa_cpu --reservation=wgss3-wr_cpu --mem-per-cpu=... --time=... <other_flags>


9am-10am Pacific Live introduction session.

See the video below (33 min)

2:30pm-3:30pm Pacific Live Q&A session.



Tuesday (July-07)
“Machine learning with MATLAB” with Reece Teramoto

You can download individual files from your MATLAB drive to your computer. Alternatively, you can use the MATLAB Drive Connector to download entire directories.


9am-10am Pacific Live introduction session.

2:30pm-3:30pm Pacific Live Q&A session.


Wednesday (July-08)
“Deep learning with MATLAB” with Reece Teramoto

You can download individual files from your MATLAB drive to your computer. Alternatively, you can use the MATLAB Drive Connector to download entire directories.


9am-10am Pacific Live introduction session.

2:30pm-3:30pm Pacific Live Q&A session.